If I remember the dream, it will live on here for everyone to remember.
This website started in June 2001; so after each month a new page will go up & previous ones will be linked here.
2001: ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2002: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2003: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2004: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2005: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2006: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2007: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2008: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2009: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2010: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2011: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2012: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2013: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2014: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC
2015: JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN    JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC

JULY 01, 2001:
In this dream, I got a small package of old LEDs to put in my museum. One of them was a bit different than the others though. When hooked up, it produced two laser beams, one bright blue and another a bright magenta color. In the dream, the diode apparantly came from the mid 1960s (well before the first laser diode was made) so that served only to make this dream that much more strange.
Toward the end of the dream, hooking up the diode caused it to project the "MTV" symbol, in full color, into empty space. :-O

JULY 05, 2001:
Oh dear... another earthquake dream.
In this one, I was *somewhere* in my apartment building, and a small, rolling earthquake hit. It was nothing big, but I needlessly stumbled into a freestanding piece of furniture with china, cups, and saucers on it (or in it), knocking it partway over and breaking some teacups.

A few minutes later, another small earthquake hit, this time a vibrating "shaker" rather than one of those small rolling ones. Although clearly minor, I could hear dishes rattling. I ran into another room, yanked all the cords out of a large computer monitor, and set the monitor face-down on the floor.
Then the news came on TV, and they said there was a magnitude 2.5 in Tacoma, and a magnitude 7.6 in a place called Desert Storm. In this dream, that was a place on the map somewhere in the desert southwest (northern Arizona, possibly Utah?), not our 1990 gulf war.

A short while after that, a REALLY BIG one hit. The whole building began to sway rather violently from side to side, and I took note that the movements were in an east-west direction, rather than the approximately north-south movements we had in a real quake here last winter - and this one was substantially more violent; if I had to guess it was probably over 8.0 on the richter scale. Nobody in the building was able to remain standing on their feet without holding themselves up in a doorway. I was sincerely afraid the building would collapse. Then I woke up, grabbed the nearest flashlight, and shone it around to be sure the place really wasn't destroyed.

JULY 06, 2001:
In this morning's dream, I was in Nome or Kotzebue Alaska with a small tour group, and all of us used wheelchairs or scooters. The theme seemed to be "keep up with the tour group" or something, as that was something I rarely did. I watched four or five other members going down some kind of a spiral wooden slide, teetering on their scooters (and some of them falling off) all the way to the bottom. The slide was made of a really shiny, polished wood, like the lanes of a bowling alley.

In another scene, there was an elevator of some kind that just wouldn't stop on the right floor no matter what buttons were pushed. Several of us and our scooters were crammed inside, and we eventually got the elevator to stop on the 13th floor and let us off.

And in another scene, several of us, still in our scooters & wheelchairs, were driving them through a small fishing village somewhere in northern Alaska. It was around midnight, but the sun was still out. Somebody remarked about it, and I told them the sun never goes down this far north at this time of year.

There were several other "scenes" in this dream, but they were completely gone from my mind before I could open up the Dream Diary. One had something to do with a florist, and another with a gift shop or other tourism-related store in the same fishing village. There was also part of the same dream where I was having some major problems affixing a walker to the back of my wheelchair seat; the strange bracket that was there for that purpose didn't seem to fit the metal tubes of the walker no matter what I did.

Just before waking up, I seem to remember that the whole tour group had reassembled (having survived their surreal Alaskan adventure) and all of us were waiting for a bus or something to take us home.

JULY 18, 2001:
Well, as you can see, I haven't remembered many of my dreams over the last couple of weeks.
Last night's dream was very odd, but I only remember tiny fragments of it.

In one piece, I was outside a building of some kind, trying to rescue a large, odd-looking beetle and an insect that looked similar to a dragonfly. There was someone else with me, but I can't remember what he said or did, except telling me that my All-Star shirt was "illegal" to wear for some reason. I think we were both participants in a convention of some sort, possibly the recent All-Star Fan Fest we had in Seattle.

In another segment, I was outdoors in a semi-forested area, and a frogman with rockets on his flippers shot up about 75' into the air (shooting bright flames all the way up), turned horizontally, then shot off like a ship on Star Trek going into warp. Just before he was too far away to see, he made a fast series of turns very high up in the air, and then disappeared out of sight.

JULY 23, 2001:
In this dream, I was in bed trying to get to sleep. I felt this thing crawling around in the bed. It was a large, scorpion-like creature, but furry like a hamster. It was of a size between large mouse and small rat.
Then there was another, then another. They would crawl around to my shoulders & the back of my neck and just sit there.

These "bugs" were being sent out by internet banner ad companies like Adforce and Doubleclick. Supposedly, breaking the tail off would render them harmless, which I did, but it also failed to kill them. Now they were just big furry bugs without tails. At least they didn't bite. :-O

Somewhere I got a 20 gallon glass fishtank, put wood chips in the bottom, and started putting the creatures in it, but they just kept reappearing in my bed. I grabbed a few more and put them in, and put a wire lid on the tank. They pushed the lid off, and more and more of the bugs kept showing up. I kept shoving more and more of them in the tank until it was full, and they still kept forcing their way back out, especially when I would try to shove new bugs in. They were everywhere.

Finally, Adforce told me to put a brown paper cover on the tank and take it outside to get rid of them. They guaranteed they would not get out of the tank with the paper on. So I did, and I carried the tank outside. The bugs pushed the lid off and pushed the paper away anyway, and I dropped the tank on the ground outside and broke it (killing about half the bugs), then I woke up.

I had another dream later that involved a paraplegic neighbor of mine, I think we were travelling together in some manner, but I don't remember many of the details except for the very tail end, where he needed to get home and we couldn't find the right door for awhile. Eventually I got him home where his attendant took him out of his wheelchair and laid him on the floor next to his bed. Then I got in my wheelchair and left.

July 24, 2001:
This is about right. About one "bar" dream a month, and last night's came right on schedule, if you will.
In this dream, I was working at the old 611, where I really did work for a number of years in the 1980s and early 1990s. I was pouring glasses of beer, washing glasses (and maybe breaking a few), ringing up orders, tossing unruly customers, and doing other normal bar maintenance. As usual, there were problems. A keg blew (became empty) right in the middle of Happy Hour, and I ran out of $1 bills in the cash register fairly early on. I woke up right about when the night bartender showed up.

July 28, 2001:
I was working at a new bar called the Manray, but in the dream, it was huge, and had rooms that don't exist in the real thing. Someone ordered a drink, and it took me awhile to figure out where to get ice. There were a couple of ice machines found, along with a big rack of glasses that look like it had come out of a collosal dishwasher. Beer glasses, martini glasses, tumblers, and some others.

Finding where to get the beer was the next challenge, but I think the customer left before I got that far.

A bit later, two people came in; a man and his hearing-impaired friend (in real life, I know a couple like this). In the dream, I thought they were both going to order 7-up, but one wanted a beer. I then went into another huge room and started looking for the right glasses. Then I saw a cabinet, like a food display, but containing glasses of ice sitting on ice cubes. So at least that part was taken care of.
Next trip was to the speed gun, and the next challenge was finding out which button dispensed the 7-Up. Nope, nope, nope, nope, none of those. Try the clear ones. Water, tonic water, club soda, 7-Up. Finally.
Somehow, the resulting drink was tainted with orange juice anyway.

Then I saw my old friend Primo standing in the room, and then noticed the room was crammed full of pinball machines & video games. I then heard the music from Afterburner (a Sega video game) coming from a Williams pinball machine. Someone said it was "supposed to do that" and I accepted their word as gospel, when I knew it was incorrect.

I then woke up while I was bringing the orange "7-Up" and some other drink to the two guys who'd ordered earlier.

It seems to me that I may have also had another dream about Digimon, but I remember virtually nothing about it, other than a small creature, possibly a digimon, kept wanting to sit on my shoulder. After brushing the creature away several times, I relented and allowed it to stay. The creature was small, about the size of a two or three month old kitten, and was furry. Maybe it was Patamon or Gomamon - or one of the babies like Tsunomon. It's a shame I couldn't remember anything more.

July 29, 2001:
I was in a big pawn shop or something similar, and for no apparent reason, I bought a rifle. It was about the right size & shape as a .22 calibre. Then I kind of "window shopped" for a time, and saw this huge electronic "gun", something along the lines of what you see on Power Rangers, but not that big or silly looking. It had a shiny texture, with some kind of circuit traces covering the outside, and a V-shaped body. Several price stickers were on it: $40, $30, $20, and $5. It had obviously not sold, as the pawn shop owner just kept crossing out the older prices and slapping new stickers on. I bought it for $5, paying with a $10 - the shopkeeper seemed to have trouble making correct change but eventually got it right.

The next thing I remember, was heading out the door and finding that somebody had stolen my wheelchair. I looked all over for it, asked people if they had seen it, and even flagged down a cop; but no luck. At that time I realised my new guns were also with the wheelchair, so they were gone too.
After asking numerous people and looking all over, I eventually found myself on a bus looking for the chair. I saw that cop again, this time she was stopped by an accident scene with a toppled baby carriage. Then I saw an elderly woman driving a 3-wheel scooter on the shoulder, just tearing up the road and getting bounced around pretty good. But it wasn't my chair.
I somehow ended back up at that pawn shop just before waking up.

July 30, 2001:
In part of this dream, I was at the airport in Anchorage AK. looking for the gate I was supposed to be at for a flight.
I came across a grill, and the guy behind the counter was grilling up these large, thin hamburger patties. I asked for three of them "to go". The cook seemed to think I was nuts, but he cooked them up anyway.

A short while later, while wandering through some unnamed concourse or hallway inside the airport, I needed to use the can. There, in the wall, was this tiny, tiny stall with a toliet in it. The stall was no wider than the toliet itself, and had no door; it just opened up directly to the hall. It was painted a pale, faded yellow color, and there was no toliet paper dispenser or loose rolls of TP visible. I tried unsuccessfully to use the toliet, then moved on.
I woke up while I was going down the jetway to my waiting flight.

Page opened July 01, 2001.

Questions? Comments? E-mail me.

Contents copyright (C) 2001-2015 Craig S Johnson