The LED (and Laser) Museum - LEDs - LED Flashlights - Gallium Indium Nitride UV, violet, purple, blue, aqua, turquoise, green, white. Also Gallium Arsenide and others. New LED MUSEUM! GaN, InGaN, SiC, GaAs, GaP, GaAlP, ZnSe, flashlight, flashlights.
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Spectra of Low-Powered NIR Sources (Pg. 1)
Spectra of Low-Powered NIR Sources (Pg. 2)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered NIR Sources
Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs (5) >
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue-Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue-Green LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue-Green LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue-Green LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Blue-Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs (4)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs (1)
Spectra of Low-Powered UVA LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered UVA LEDs (2)
Spectra of Low-Powered UVA LEDs (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered UVA LEDs (4) <
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered UVA (Ultraviolet A) LEDs
Spectra of UVA LEDs from W.V. in The Netherlands
Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs (7) (Newest spectrometer software settings used) BR>
Spectra of Medium-Powered Red LEDs (1)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Red LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Orange LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs (7) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Yellow-Green LEDs (2) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Green LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue-Green LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Blue-Green LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Blue LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used) (Pg.2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered UVA LEDs (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered UVA LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 1)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 4)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 5)
Spectra of Low-Powered White LEDs (Pg. 6)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 7)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 8)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 9)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 10)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 11)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 12)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 13)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 14)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 15)
Spectra of Medium-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 1)
Narrowband Spectra of Medium-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 1)
Narrowband Spectra of Phosphor White LEDs to Show Native & Phosphor Emission Bands (1)
Narrowband Spectra of Phosphor White LEDs to Show Native & Phosphor Emission Bands (2)
Narrowband Spectra of Phosphor White LEDs to Show Native & Phosphor Emission Bands (3)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Warm White LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Warm White LEDs
Spectra (normal & narrowband) of Electrospell Spectrafill Phosphor & Nonphosphor LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Red LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Red LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Orange LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Orange LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Yellow LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Yellow LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Green LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Green LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Blue LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Blue LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Pink LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Pink LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Purple LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Purple LEDs
Spectra of Roithner Lasertechnik GmbH Phosphor LEDs (2020)
Spectra of Roithner Lasertechnik GmbH Phosphor LEDs (2020) (Pg. 2)
Spectra of Low-Powered Bicolor & Tricolor LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Bicolor and Tricolor LEDs
Spectra of Multiple-Colored LED Products (1)
Spectra of Multiple-Colored LED Products (2)
Spectra of Multiple-Colored LED Products (3) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Multiple-Colored LED Products
Spectra of Multiple-Colored High-Powered LED Products
Narrowband Spectra of Multiple-Colored High-Powered LED Products
Spectra of a rare antique (suspected) two-chip yellow LED
Spectra of Low-Powered SiC Yellow LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered SiC Blue LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered SiC Blue LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered ZnSe Non-Phosphor White LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Broadband Blue (450nm) LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Broadband Blue (450nm) LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered Broadband Blue (GaN on SiC) (430nm) LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered Broadband Blue (GaN on SiC) (430nm) LEDs
Spectra of RGB LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of RGB LEDs
Spectra of Low-Powered RGB LEDs (2) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Low-Powered RGB LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Normal & Narrowband Spectra of high-powered RGB LEDs
Spectra of Antique Red, Orange, and Yellow-Green LEDs
Spectra (normal and narrowband) of high-powered LEDs sent by Klaatu in late-March 2013 (pg. 1)
Spectra (normal and narrowband) of high-powered LEDs sent by Klaatu in late-March 2013 (pg. 2)
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of LEDs Sent By M.B. in Mid-Dec. 2011 (1)
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of High-Powered LEDs Sent By M.B. in Mid-Dec. 2011 (2)
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of High-Powered LEDs Sent By M.B. in Mid-Dec. 2011 (3)
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of High-Powered LEDs Sent By M.B. in Mid-Dec. 2011 (4)
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of High-Powered LEDs Sent By M.B. in Early-Feb. 2012 (1)
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of High-Powered LEDs Sent By M.B. in Early-Feb. 2012 (2)
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of High-Powered High-Powered LEDs Sent By M.B. in Late-July 2012
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of Low-Powered NIR LEDs Sent By D.K. in late-August 2012
Spectra (both Normal & Narrowband) of Low-Powered Visible-Light LEDs Sent By D.K. in late-August 2012
Spectra of LEDs that Don Klipstein sent in mid-2020 (Pg. 1)
Spectra of LEDs that Don Klipstein sent in mid-2020 (Pg. 2)
Spectra of LEDs that Don Klipstein sent in mid-2020 (Pg. 3)
Spectra of LEDs that Don Klipstein sent in late-2020 (Pg. 4)
Spectra of OLEDs (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes)
Spectra of a USSR Anti-Stokes Phosphor Green LED from 1967
Spectra of High-Powered NIR LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Red LEDs
Narrowband spectra of High-Powered Red LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Orange LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Yellow LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Green LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Blue-Green LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of High-Powered Blue-Green LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Blue LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of High-Powered Blue LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Violet/NUV LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Ultraviolet LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of High-Powered Ultraviolet LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered Colored LEDs (all colors on at once)
Spectra of High-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 1)
Spectra of High-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 2)
Spectra of High-Powered Phosphor White LEDs (Pg. 3)
Spectra of High-Powered Phosphor Warm White LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of High-Powered Phosphor White LEDs to Show Native & Phosphor Emission Bands
Narrowband Spectra of High-Powered Phosphor Warm White LEDs to Show Native & Phosphor Emission Bands
Spectra of Incandescent Flashlights (1)
Spectra of Incandescent Flashlights (2)
Spectra of Incandescent Flashlights (3) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Chemiluminescent Light Sources (e.g., ''Glow Sticks'')
Spectra of Phosphorescence of UVA/Violet Phosphor Targets
Spectra of Fluorescence in the "Filament" of the OptoLight Soft White LED Light Bulb When Irradiated with Sub-510nm Radiation
Spectra of Fluorescence in the Phosphor of White LEDs When Irradiated with Sub-510nm Radiation
Spectra of Incandescent "Blacklight" Light Bulbs
Spectra of Open Flames
Spectra of LEDs & Halogen Bulbs Requested by M. P. in Illinois
Spectra of Fluorescence in Uranated° Glass When Irradiated with <488nm Radiation (1)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Uranated° Glass When Irradiated with <488nm Radiation (2)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Uranated° Glass When Irradiated with <488nm Radiation (3)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Uranated° Glass When Irradiated with <488nm Radiation (4)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Uranated° Glass When Irradiated with <488nm Radiation (5) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Blue LEDs with WhiteCap Silicone LED Filters ("LED Condoms ") Over Them
Spectra of Laser Radiation Filtered Through Laser Goggles
Spectrum of UVC Radiation Through Polycarbonate Eyeglasses
Spectra of Tritium Light Sources
Spectra of Xenon Strobe Lights
Spectra of Broadband Blue LEDs w/high current low duty cycle operation
Spectra of Special-Color LEDs
Narrowband Spectra of Special-Color LEDs
Spectra of Special-Color LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Narrowband Spectra of Special-Color LEDs (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Low-Powered Phosphor Warm White LEDs
Spectra of 5mm Colored LEDs (Pg. 1)
Spectra of 5mm Colored LEDs (Pg. 2)
Spectra of 5mm Colored LEDs (Pg. 3)
Spectra of Super High-Powered Phosphor White LEDs
Spectra of High-Powered NIR Sources
Spectra of an Antique GE SSL-1 SiC Yellow LED
Spectra of Other light sources
Spectra of Sodium Vapour Lamps
Spectra of EL (Electroluminescent) Products
Spectra of Computer/Video Monitors
Spectra of HID Lamps
Spectra of LCD Backlights
Spectra of Filtered Light Sources
Spectra of Incandescent Holiday Light Sets
Spectra of Fluorescence in Non-Light Emitters (Pg. 1)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Non-Light Emitters (Pg. 2)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Non-Light Emitters (Pg. 3)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Non-Light Emitters (Pg. 4)
Spectra of Fluorescence in Non-Light Emitters (Pg. 5)
Spectra of Fluorescence of anti-Stokes NIR Detector Cards
Nonlaser Spectra from the Handheld ~412nm Blu-ray (Violet-Emitting) Laser
Spectra of GITD (Glow In The Dark) Materials
Spectra of Plasma Discharge of Laser Tubes
Spectra of Fluorescent Light Bulbs/Tubes
Spectra of CCFT (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube) Lamps
Spectra of UVC "Flourescent" "Lite" "Blubs"
Spectra of LEDs (Pg. 1)
Spectra of LEDs (Pg. 2)
Spectra of LEDs (Pg. 3)
Spectra of a Radio Shack #276-0028 RGB LED
Spectra of Glow Lamps
Narrowband Spectra of Glow Lamps
Spectra of Plasma Lamps
Spectra of Glowing Hot Materials
Spectra of Direct Sunlight
Spectra of Electric Arcs in Air at 14.7PSI
Spectra of Fluorescence in Objects When Irradiated with the 1000mW 447nm Waterproof Adjust Focus Blue Laser Pen
Spectra of Fluorescence in Objects When Irradiated with the OXLasers CB-1000 445nm Blue Portable Laser Focusable Waterproof
Spectrographic analyses of fluorescence in objects when irradiated with the Arctic laser (1)
Spectrographic analyses of fluorescence in objects when irradiated with the Arctic laser (Arctic #1, pg. 2)
Spectrographic analyses of fluorescence in objects when irradiated with the Arctic laser (Arctic #2, pg. 1)
Spectrographic analyses of fluorescence in objects when irradiated with the Arctic laser (3)
Spectrographic Analyses of Fluorescence in Objects When Irradiated with the Wicked Lasers™ Sonar Blu-ray Portable Laser
Spectra of NIR Lasers
Spectra of Red Lasers (1)
Spectra of Red Lasers (2)
Spectra of Red Lasers (3)
Spectra of Red Lasers (4)
Spectra of Red Lasers (5)
Spectra of Red Lasers (6) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Red Lasers (7) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Red Laser Diode Modules from the "70 (Seventy) Red Laser Diode Modules" page
Spectra of Red Laser Diode Modules Sent By J.B. in Belgium in Late-2013 (Pg. 1)
Spectra of Red Laser Diode Modules Sent By J.B. in Belgium in Late-2013 (Pg. 2)
Spectra of Orange-Red HeNe Lasers
Spectra of Orange Lasers
Spectra of Yellow Lasers
Spectra of Yellow Lasers (Newest spectrometer software & settings used)
Spectra of Directly-Injected Sky Blue (470nm to 500nm) Diode Lasers
Spectra of Directly-Injected Green (501nm to 531nm) Diode Lasers
Spectra of DPSS Green Lasers (1)
Spectra of DPSS Green Lasers (2)
Spectra of DPSS Green Lasers (3)
Spectra of DPSS Green Lasers (4) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of DPSS Green Lasers (5) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Blue-Green Lasers
Spectra of Blue Lasers (1)
Spectra of Blue Lasers (2)
Spectra of Blue Lasers (3) (Newer spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Blue Lasers (4) (Newer spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of Violet Lasers (1)
Spectra of Violet Lasers (2)
Spectra of Violet Lasers (3) (Newest spectrometer software settings used)
Spectra of RGB (Red/Green/Blue) Lasers
Spectra of Lasers (Pg 1)
Spectra of Lasers (Pg 2)
Spectra of Lasers (Pg 3)
° = "Uranated" - infused with an anion oxide of uranium, *NOT* piddled on. Commonly referred to as "Vaseline glass" because it has a distinct pale yellow-green color when not being irradiated. Note spelling: "urA nated", not "urE nated","urI nated", "urO nated", "urU nated", or sometimes "urY nated".
Copyright © 1989-2015
Craig S. Johnson
Contents may be used for educational purposes only without permission; all others please have the courtesy to ask.
I have invested over 45,056 hours of my own time into developing & maintaining this website, so please don't plagiarize it.